We do outreach on the streets, in parks, and encampments to provide essential medical care and survival supplies.
Encampment Outreach
9:00 AM – 11:45 AM
The team check in on people and hand out supplies such as food, water, and hygiene products. Providers can offer consultations for people with medical needs and volunteers coordinate care we are not able to provide on-site.
Street Rounds
State Street and Capitol Square
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Starting in 2018, we’ve been on the streets on Thursdays. We seek to build trust by providing direct medical care, including treatment and medication access while walking our route.
Common clinic visit topics include: skin infections; frostbite; asthma; substance use; and musculoskeletal injuries & pain. Our street consists of a prescriber, nurse, mental health care provider, and team manager.